Shen a potential customer is looking for a new kitchen remodeling contractor or any other type of contractor, they almost always turn to first a Google search. That is why it’s important to rank on the first page of Google. The higher your site is ranked in search results, the more visitors you’ll get from potential customers. But how do you do this? This guide will explain what it takes to rank your website on the first page of search engines like Google and Bing so that you can start getting more traffic and leads and ultimately goo, high paying jobs into your contracting business.
Ranking you contracting website on the first page of a search engine takes effort and knowledge.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a marketing strategy to improve the visibility of a website or web page in search results. SEO may involve different techniques, including adding content to your site to make it more relevant to specific keywords, writing content that includes those keywords, building backlinks to your site, optimizing your site so that it can be crawled by search engines such as Googlebot and Yahoo Slurp, etc.
SEO is not an easy task for one who does not know about this area of expertise; however, many companies specialize in providing services that help rank websites on top pages within Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).
There are some things you can do to improve your website’s ranking for free.
- Make your website accessible and fast.
- Optimize your site for SEO keywords.
- Create relevant content that will be of interest to your users and customers.
Optimize the content on your contracting site for SEO.
- Place keywords in the title, body and URL
- Make sure your article has a good keyword density. This can be achieved by using relevant keywords in title tags and meta descriptions. Use of relevant keywords on headlines will also help to achieve this purpose. The ideal density should be 2% – 3%.
- Use keywords in image alt text, image caption and file name (if applicable). If you are adding an image to an article with a particular topic, make sure it has an appropriate filename that reflects that topic. For example if the current topic is about “kitchen remodel contractors” then your filename should reflect this as well!
You can make sure your keywords are effective by paying attention to their search volume.
You’ll want to pay attention to the search volume of your keywords and how competitive they are. This is done through an SEO tool like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush, which will help you understand how many people are searching for that particular keyword.
You have a few options when it comes to choosing what keywords to use:
- Use the most popular ones that have low competition levels (the lower the competition, the better)
- Use more expensive ones, but with lower competition levels (the higher your price point is, the more profitable it can be)
- Use less popular keywords with high competition levels
Make sure that your content is relevant to your users and customers.
- Make sure that your content is relevant to your users and customers.
- Make sure that your content is not too long, and not too short.
If you don’t know where to start, it’s a good idea to hire an agency
If you don’t know where to start, it’s a good idea to learn enough so you can hire an agency. A professional agency like Ablaze Media has the experience and expertise needed to help your business succeed online. Pay attention to their experience and results before hiring them so that you have all the information necessary to make an informed decision.
Before you begin paying for services, make sure that you understand what they’re offering and how they work.
Before you begin paying for services, make sure that you understand what they’re offering and how they work. If you don’t understand the service being offered, ask questions until it becomes clear. If you’re still confused after talking with a provider, look for someone else who can explain things better or offer more value-added services.
Asking questions is important because there are many companies out there offering similar services but with different approaches and quality levels. Some contractors focus on doing only one aspect of the job well (e.g., installing appliances), while others may have multiple levels of experience or different ways of providing their service (e.g., by providing design consultation or installation).
A few last thoughts about ranking your contracting website
If you want to improve the ranking on your contracting website for free, there are some things that you can do yourself. If you need help with more complex tasks like site speed or keyword optimization, though, it’s probably best to hire an agency, like Ablaze Media, that specializes in this area.
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