Give to Foster Care Support through the ABCS Cabin Remodel and Receive a Dollar for Dollar Credit on your Taxes
Ablaze Media is a supporter of foster care in the Yavapai county area. This year we’ve chosen to get behind a special project put together by Arizona Baptist Children’s Services (ABCS). The ABCS cabin remodel will help them better serve children in Yavapai county. Since its inception, ABCS has served over 185 families and they have been instrumental in placing 97 kids in temporary or permanent homes.
We Care about Kids in Hard Places
Kids who are living in difficult situations need the community to rally around them. Some of these kids need to be placed in loving adoptive homes. Other kids need support services.
ABCS currently needs a better facility to help struggling parents reunite with their children, a place where they can house their staff, and a location to store the supplies needed to support foster families. The ABCS cabin remodel will help them get the space they need to better serve our community
When You Give, you Get a Tax Benefit.
Arizona state foster care tax credit up to $1,000 for couples and $500 for individuals. Download the Prescott Re flyer here to learn more about ways to get involved. Find a list of current needs for the project here.
To learn more about the good work ABCS is doing and their need for the “cabin remodel” visit their page here:
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